

Reno Rehab: Kitchen Shmitchen

You asked for it! I decided to start a renovation diary about the renovation dramas of my very own dream home! It’s been exciting, stressful, and I’ve realized I’m a bitch of a client. Truth is: stress is part of the game and it feeds my psychosis (which is why I’m totally obsessed and I love what I do). There is some sort of dysfunctional satisfaction from the sweaty drywall dust that accumulates in my bra, and all my nagging doubts about every tiny design decision.

Today I support my own resolution to paint the dark, cherry, very traditional cabinets in our kitchen. Could we afford brand spanking new European kitchen shwag? Uh… no. Thus: cheap and cheerful is my chosen path. After my mother gave me the silent treatment for committing this “never paint wood” sin, I allowed her a time out and admonished this 1950s philosophy. And, quite frankly, I’d be out of a job if I believed it. On any number of design shows I can be seen painting anything from glass to plastic to dead bugs (well not really but I would consider it) so onward and upward.

Well – you decide. We are still in process here but you can already see a huge difference. White reflects light, dark colors absorb it (like a black hole). I am a huge fan of bright light and lots of clean colors. They erase any imperfections, clean the slate and breath life into any environment. But that’s just my opinion. Keep in mind I have no lights on in my photo and all the lights are on in the original photo, and it still looks brighter.





1 Comment

  1. Dawn on at

    Hello Krista,

    I have the same color cabinets, floor, and counters. I was wondering what paint color you used for the walls? My kitchen/dining room has 2 smalls windows that face north.Lighting is very poor. I try the darker tans but it doesn’t feel light and airy.



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