

Rebel Design

I had the pleasure of listening to a podcast on CLEVER (one of my favorite spots for people of design), and the guest was Bobby Hundreds of The Hundreds: streetwear designer.

Design comes in all forms, and Bobby’s take is that of a rebel. He grew up in an immigrant family with pure joy for punk rock music and skate boarding. He took that passion and grew it into a million dollar brand. That’s inspiring, when creatives infuse their individuality into something completely new.

Image of bobby hundreds from thehundreds.com

Image of bobby hundreds from thehundreds.com

My rebel heart is revealing itself in all ways – my work and my design business, and sometimes in the way I parent my children!

Design is a creative force that needs an adventurous spirit in order to be unique. I share a few of my rebellious moments are below… the love of craft and passion for something new sings in my heart every day!

Sometimes it’s about over-layering, other times it’s about mixing styles, colors and patterns. But it’s always about a dream for something that takes me out of my comfort zone:)

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman, Photo by Jessica Glynn

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman, Photo by Jessica Glynn

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman, Photo by Jessica Glynn

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman, Photo by Jessica Glynn