

Make Your Shelves Magazine Worthy

It’s no secret, I’m a fan of shelves. I am feeling a little shell-fish right now (or, always!) The most important tip for accessorizing your shelves, to make them magazine worthy they have to be well thought out. And the most important rule for magazine worthy shelves: LESS is more!

Below in this lounge I created from a small and less functional dining room, I decided a glittering, clear glass “theme” was in order. This is an adult space so glass is approved! Crystal has a beautiful clarity that feels floaty and ethereal. Don’t plan too much! Just go with your gut.

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman | Photo by Jessica Glynn

Dig, dig and dig some more. Look through your stuff to create kid-approved shelf accessories. Kids have tons of stuff, so it’s not that hard. You’ll be surprised at the cool stuff they own (that you paid for!) and that is shelf worthy.

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman | Photo by Jessica Glynn

Offices: the place where people make most mistakes. Keep only items that inspire you and books that you either love or that provide ongoing insight. Accessories should express your personality.

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman | Photo by Jessica Glynn

A built in bar, big or small, should have items that are useful. Keep glassware stacked high for entertaining. And when you have parties, have a hot, wet towel close by to clean glasses before serving. A great tip is to store glasses upside down so dust collects only on the exterior.

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman | Photo by Jessica Glynn

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman | Photo by Jessica Glynn

Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman | Photo by Jessica Glynn