

Liebster Awards

liebsteraward-roses-tag-2I am so excited to be nominated for a Liebster Award.  For those that don’t know, the Liebster awards are big in the blogging community, and awards are given to new and emerging bloggers each year.   Thanks to Not Your Average Coffee Bean for nominating me.  I am told that I have to list 11 facts about myself and answer 11 questions from the person that nominated me.   Here goes!

11 Facts About Me:


I love Manhattan.

I love roller coasters.

I detest the color red.

I love classic, urban and retro equally.

I snack nightly on sweet & savory treats.

Sometimes I miss my babies so much while I’m at work it hurts my heart.

My husband makes me mad and happy at the exact same time.

I am a self confessed foodie.

I will only buy wine if it costs more than $25 because I somehow think it tastes better.

I wish I had a Victoria’s Secret body.

I love South Florida.


Okay and now for the questions:

  1. If you were on a deserted island and could only eat one food indefinitely, BUT you could have as much as you wanted of it…what would it be? French Fries
  2. If you had to choose either no cell phone or no social media for the rest of your life, which would you choose? No cell!
  3. If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be? Children suffering from anything.
  4. What did you want to be when you grew up? A lawyer.
  5. What is your main goal for your blog? Motivate, inspire and create.
  6. Are you fluent in any languages? Mommy-speak
  7. What is the thing you’ve accomplished that you’re most proud of? The balancing act of mom, business owner and wife.
  8. Okay, you’re in a burning building and you can only bring one thing out with you. What would it be? Photo album of my kids growing up.
  9. If you could have a conversation with anyone in the world, who would it be? Buddha.
  10. What is your favorite book and/or author? The Velveteen Rabbit:)
  11. And lastly…since you’re on Not Your Average Coffee Bean–ahem–Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? This is the definitive question. Starbucks or die.


I nominate:

Wabi Sabi Scandinavian

Hey Mama

The Meditation Blog

Jessica Glynn Photo

Vintage Interior Design

My questions for you are:

  1.  What is your favorite childhood memory?
  2. How did you meet your significant other?
  3. What is you favorite space in your home?
  4. If you could only keep 3 possessions, what would they be?
  5. What is your most embarassing moment?
  6. Favorite piece of clothing?
  7. What was the last lie that you told?
  8. What question do you hate to answer?
  9. Favorite swear word?
  10. What is the strangest name you have ever heard of?
  11. What cheers you up?