How To Stay Happy And Productive While Working From Home
Working from home is suddenly the norm! I know it can be jarring if you are used to going into an office. But there are parts of it that are lovely, and while I typically go into my office I have been known to get some of my best work done at home. I thought that I would share some of my best tips for working at home so we can all stay productive and happy. Feel free to comment if you have some great tips to add!
Make your bed. There are so many studies that say that making your bed every day is the best way to start your day, and when you are working from home this is more important than ever. It sets the tone for the day! While it may be tempting to lounge in your bed with your laptop, it is not the best idea. Enjoy this fun video I made about How To Make A Beautiful Bed.
Get dressed. Okay, so no need to put on a dress or a blazer, but put on some real clothes. That means pants, people! It really helps you to get in the mindset to work. I even put shoes on. It gets me out of lounge mode somehow. Wear something comfortable, but something that you would wear to the office. It really helps and will look more professional on that Zoom call with your team!
Set up your space. I love designing home offices for my clients. My husband works at home so I know it is important to design a home office to one’s specific needs and preferences. Think about how your work day will go and what you need. A comfortable chair is a must! Do you like to face a window or will it be too distracting? Do you like music or quiet while working? Do you need a tv? Two monitors? How can you set up your desk in an organized way so you can easily access what you need? Lots to think about. If you don’t have the luxury of having a home office, improvise!! Find a quiet space where you can set up shop. There are many schools of thought on this, but many people like to work in a different room from their spouse. Separate family/work as much as you can, right?
Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman, Photo by Jessica Glynn
Take breaks. One of the great features of the Apple Watch is the little reminders you get “Time to stand”, or “Time to Breathe”! If you don’t have one, set alarms on your calendar and take frequent breaks. I like to step outside for mine. A quick 15 minute walk can do wonders! Get some Vitamin C whenever possible. And take a proper lunch break. If things get stressful, do a quick meditation. There are many great apps to walk you through it if you need one. One of my favorites is called breethe.
Interior Design by Krista Watterworth Alterman, Photo by Eve Greendale