

My Home Inspired Wishes for Mama’s Day

I am a mama, that’s pretty much my number uno priority. I run a business, have a very busy-wonderful husband (who also runs his own business), I am also the CEO of my household – but first comes taking care of my babies, Griffon (8) and Skylar (6).  I looked through some of my recent photos and found inspiration for gifts I’m dreaming of for Mama’s Day.

  1. A staycation somewhere exotic! I love to travel – but because of our very busy schedules we tend to stay close to home when we vacation. I want to go somewhere close by that is also somewhat exotic. An island or a cool unique spot.

Interior Design + Styling by Krista Watterworth | Photo by Jessica Glynn

2. Jars of cookies! I love sweets, but I stay away from sugar. I try to eat healthy – my secret snacking at night is a clue that I’m not so great at it! Any delicious homemade treats are what I crave.

Interior Design + Styling by Krista Watterworth | Photo by Jessica Glynn

3. A nap or some reading time! I love a midday nap but it’s purely a luxury in my life. That is, it never happens! I also love to read. And I often don’t have time for that either.

Interior Design + Styling by Krista Watterworth | Photo by Jessica Glynn

4. A Moment to Meditate! I love to relax and zone in on meditating. This is actually a meditation room in  my house that doesn’t get used enough.

Interior Design + Styling by Krista Watterworth | Photo by Jessica Glynn

5. Organization! I would love if someone would organize my shelves for me. I do it so often for others that I am left with such disorganized shelves it drives me crazy.

Interior Design + Styling by Krista Watterworth | Photo by Jessica Glynn